Sunday, February 1, 2009

Change We Need !!!

Change we need.

I can get behind that, I really can.

Has there been any thought given to the silent repercussions of Obama being elected to the highest office in the land?

I wonder.

At work the other day I was privy to a discussion that I have heard several times before, but with a black man now in the White House I had to wonder if there was any credence left at all in his argument.

A listing for several highly sought after positions became available and, as you can imagine, a deluge of applicants descended on the hapless supervisor who was in charge of selecting 7 lucky employees.

Every time one of these positions has opened a particular black man who works in the warehouse applies, every time he is passed over, and every time I happen to be in close proximity to his complaining.

With him it is always another case of racism. He is just another overqualified black man being held down and crushed by the system. He spews the victim mentality and has for so long that it has become a crutch, and if it were taken away from him he would have no self-identity left.
He never asks who WAS hired into the positions. This time around there where two black men hired over dozens of whites as well as several women hired over men. The time before that these positions were filled with Muslims and Hispanics. There is absolutely no visible cause or justification for his complaints. But to hear him going on and on about it one begins to see the pattern developing inside of him. HE obviously isn’t the problem so it must be his skin color.
This crutch, at work again, is most likely the very thing that is keeping him down, a self-fulfilling prophecy. I don’t know of any employer who would hire a worker with this kind of cancerous attitude, breathing negativity by the pound and spreading work place virus amongst the employees that have risen above this extortion mentality. Yeah, I said extortion, what else could you call it?

If the supervisor caved into this type of extortion what parameters would she be setting?
"Unhappy with a certain situation at work? Threaten the company, play the race card, and we will cave every time." That’s regressionist thinking that drags the entire functionality of the system down the drain.

Then it dawned on me.

I asked him how he could make his assertion that the black race as a whole is being held down if a Black man had achieved the highest office in the land? Isn’t that proof enough that the playing field has been truly leveled?

I cannot tolerate the victim mentality from black America any longer. It is obvious that the idea of an impoverished black community, a black community that is being held down, a community that has no choice but to live in squalor and insolvent circumstances by white America is self inflicted. It is an excuse, a crutch that black society leans on and perpetuates. Obama has shown us that empirically.

He answered with the inevitable argument "Well, Obama isn’t really black"

And there it was.

Which is it? You can’t claim him as a beacon of justice and equality in one breath then disown him when his achievements threaten your illusions.

The NAACP is an exclusionary group that represents racism and occlusion, Barrack threatens to bring that idea to a head. Black comedians, speakers, and Black society as a whole, unchecked, have been allowed to spew hate and degradation toward whites for years because of this victim mentality.

What now?

All of that will have to be reexamined in the years to come. There is a serious reevaluation of social norms coming in this country and it will be interesting to see how it plays out. Can we really expect "Change we need" or will, like my coworker, they disown President Obama as not black so as to stay inside the cocoon of martyrdom?

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